Thursday, 14 January 2016

Essex Police Twitter Account follower change 4 to 14 Jan 16

slide one
This post is about twitter followers numbers and growth in the last ten days.

And when you see the results, we can ask some deep questions - mostly of PC Alan Conran who's just added 250 followers.

The average follower growth is 13 for all accounts. Therefore, PC Alan has grown at 19 times the average.

Slide One shows six labelled accounts, those who've added over fifty followers.
slide two

From all 105 accounts, we can see a percentage
change where the average growth is 2.91%

This slide is a little ambiguous as percentage does not reflect total followers.

In this case, it's used to illustrate how SC Mike Swinerd has a new account that is growing at a very fast rate. This is also true of PC Josh Haase and PC Alan Conran.

You can read the data set here.

In my opinion, other accounts could benefit from learning how an office like PC Conran makes this happen. If you have not seen already, the local newspaper is usually fast to publish PC Conran's tweets.

It's also good to see a few embedded tweets and a twitter handle mention - this builds trust. There are many examples from the Essex Chronicle (try this search) or today's Wood Street Armed Robbery story.

I use twitter to stay up to date with emerging local news. I find officer tweets far more reliable, in realtime, than the Essex Police UK twitter account.

And when I saw there were no tweets or facebook posts for seventeen hours (despite a stabbing and a knife point robbery), I tweeted the Chief Constable with a suggestion:

This post is part data, part discussion. In other parts of the world, there are PIOs (Public Information Officers). One example is Trooper Ben from Kansas Highway Patrol. I will him tell you what he does and how he does it.

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