Friday, 8 April 2016

Feedback on the new Essex Police Community Policing Team Website Pages

After reading a few tweets earlier in the week and getting an ECM (Essex Community Messaging) alert an hour ago, here's my feedback.

Website Feedback

1, From the main page called Community Policing (at: -- is this a final public page? In other words, I thought Essex Policing may have been launching a brand new interactive website?

2, From main page we have, Community policing is about local policing, listening to your concerns ...  Details on how to contact the CPT covering your area can be found on the associated District Command page. Yet all of those 14 pages have NO contact details, albeit a postal address. [ I do not class clicking the doitonline button as contacting a local team]

3, There are nine named officers on those 14 pages/10 teams that have accounts on twitter (Hooper, Carrington, Cook, Maleary, Ray, Anslow, Finch, Norris and Argent) - yet only one officer mentions twitter [@DetSuptHooper].

4, In addition, there are at least 113 officer twitter accounts, many of those are officers providing realtime updates in CPTs -- In my opinion, these accounts need to be added to the CPT webpages. For example in Chelmsford: Insp Eliot, PC Conran and SC Barlow. [I have a twitter list for Chelmsford, here are 21 members, of course many of those are at HQ etc..]

5, From a public standpoint, if I went to a local page like Braintree, I would expect to see a snapshot of everything that area has to offer, and as realtime as possible. I accept the 'Braintree page' may not be the place -- but the public need to see that somewhere. For example, there are many Braintree Specials who work very hard to tweet updates (like SInsp Van Zanten).

6, There is no mention of any PCSOs - will this be listed, maybe next month when more os known about the changes?

ECM and Press release Feedback

A copy of the ECM  I received is here and an example of a press article is here. There are many overlapping sentences.

From the text: community safety hubs with partner organisations ...  talk and listen to communities 
 and two-way flow of information -- I am particularly looking at how Essex Police get realtime updates out to the public.

From what I have seen, the public trust an officer who they have direct contact with and can contact easily. There are many examples on twitter.

Only last night I was reading an eBook on my laptop. I stopped, checked twitter read about how Iona Sutherland (Comms Officer with EP) was spending the night up in the air with NPAS Boreham and in that instant heard the helicopter overheard. I tweeted and she responded ten mins later - and agreed, definitely us overhead around then! πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ˜Š

This is what I mean about realtime.


An suitable endpoint for me, is getting the 113 Essex Police Officers on twitter with 1,000s of followers and providing realtime text, photo and video updates to the communities they serve.

I've supported UK Police and other forces like Toronto for five years. Essex is where I grew up and Chelmsford the place I have most memories.

My next post is about an idea called #EPtwitterSummit ..

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Essex Police